Monday, March 10, 2008


I've never really paid much attention to smokers except to avoid the smell....I'm sure I'm allergic... Well the other day I was driving to pick up Hunter and I passed a car with a mother and father and 2 children in the back (both in car seats). The parents were both smoking! The children were in the back with all the windows up except for the driver's side which had a tiny crack. Immediately I felt angry, sad, just all kinds of emotions. I wanted to grab the kids out of the car and let them ride with me in my safe air! Those parents really are doing their children an injustice. Their tiny lungs are still developing. I can only hope and pray that it is not like that for those children all the time.

I hope everyone had a great weekend. I apologize that I am not the best blogger in the world. I usually only blog at school because when I get home there is so much to do and spending time with Hunter is number one! I hope to figure out how to get pictures on here soon though.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Share Time

I have lots to share today as my precious baby is changing so much everyday. Hunter has always had quite a personality but he is really taking off. He is so much Mr. Independent. He wants to feed himself, not be held...all kinds of things that as a mommy I treasure.

We bought him a new car seat last weekend and he loves it. He had definitely out grown the baby carrier. He doesn't fight me now when I try to put him in it and he loves being able to sit up higher and see out.

He loves table food. I don't know what else to say about that except as soon as Todd and I started giving him tastes of the food that we're eating; then that's about all he's wanted. I do try to be careful with the amount of lactose that he is taking in though because of him being on lactose free formula. Hunter is a great eater though. Sometimes I think he's going to have a sweet tooth but then I'll give him a bowl of peas or some green beans or carrots and he eats every single one of them.

I'm going to have to break down and get Hunter's hair cut this weekend. :-( boohoo for me! The boy seriously came out of the womb needing a hair cut but I've been putting it off and off. His hair doesn't want to part - it wants to lay flat on his head but it can't because it falls into his eyes. So, I have little surfer boy. I'm really not sure how all of this will go down because he is very wiggly and wants to crawl/walk or pull up or anything so Todd or I am going to have to hold him down and other one will video/take pictures.

Speaking of walking....Hunter is basically running. It's insane. I love to see his little baby walk/run. I knew from the time I donned him as speed crawler that he would become a speed walker as well. He is walking all over the place. I love it!

One more piece of news. We had a warm day this week and so we broke out Hunter in his baby swing outside. He loved it. He just sat back and relaxed while Todd pushed him. It is so cute. Thanks to Todd's mom for getting it for him for Christmas!! Great gift!

Well speaking of my little marathon runner...I've got to get him! Have a great weekend everyone!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

It's official!

Well I had a blog written yesterday but my computer went crazy at work and deleted it so here's the brief synopsis.

I am officially a teacher. Yes, I have been one for 3 years now but I received my license to teach yesterday after finishing my certification classes in December. I am so excited to finally not have to worry about classes or anything that goes along with that.

Hunter is doing great. He really started taking off with his walking yesterday. I went in and picked him up and basically ran to me! I loved it - it made me feel so good!!! It is totally true what everyone says about not knowing that you could love someone so much until you have that baby in your life.

More to come...gotta get back to the kiddies!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!!

Up until yesterday I was kind of being a Valentine's scrooge because I wasn't sure what to get Todd (I'm still not totally sure as of 12:00 pm) and even though I am in love my mind hasn't really been on going and buying something. I went last night with Hunter and bought my cards that I needed (try Hallmark on the night before Valentine's Day around 8:00 - it looked like Black Friday). It got me in the Valentine's mood. We got in and out as fast as we could but it was still at least a 40 minute trip.

I just received 2 dozen roses from my sweetie. I love him so much. Even though I told him not to do anything for me...we're going out to dinner - that's all I wanted to not cook! He surprised me big time with them though. I was called to the office and he came in my classroom and set them up while I was gone. The secretaries were in on it the whole time. I love my school. A teacher here was proposed to yesterday at school - it was so sweet - about 3 of us were crying.

Also, (I'm full of things to say today) if you've never read the book Love You Forever and you have children (especially a son); you need to read the book. I read it today to my class this morning and I got so choked up with it. I started crying at the end and my assistant was crying. It really is a tear jerker.

Love to you all!!

**On a side note - don't get too excited - 2 posts in 2 days....maybe I'm turning over a new leaf.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I don't know why it has been almost a month since I have blogged except the lousy excuse that anything I feel like I could say would be too cheesy or not long enough or something like that.

But anyway here's an update on the Sizemores.

Hunter had his first fever this weekend. I picked him up from mom's on Friday and she told me that he hadn't been himself all day. He had slept and just laid around...which is not my little active monkey. (Literally a monkey...last week he had climbed up on the second shelf in the fridge!) I took him home and long story short he had a fever of about 101. I called the doctor's office and talked with a nurse and she said not to worry it could be a virus or infection just coming out as a fever. So, I started the motrin and tylenol every 4 hours. Todd and I gave him 2 baths to try and bring it down. We did all that we knew how to do. I was up and down all night checking on him but he slept well until about 5:30. He woke us both up and we ran to get him. He was burning up and we put him straight in the bathtub. His temperature was now 102.9 or so. I called the emergency number for the doctor's office and the lady told me not to worry again...All the while I'm thinking "that's easy for you to say- you're not sitting here watching him". Well long story short he ended up breaking the fever early that evening. He's doing fine now...just a croopy cough. I don't want to take him to the doctor's office now though because the flu virus is here.

In a different note, is anyone finding it hard to figure out who they are going to vote for. I have been fascinated with American presidents for a long time (Erin can agree...especially that summer we were apartment mates and I made her watch President Reagan's funeral over and over)but this year....I'm not sure. I'm kind of at a loss for words. Especially with the two that will probably get the nomination from each side. Just a thought for you.

More soon....I promise!

Friday, January 18, 2008


Wow! We had snow here. It has probably been since college since I have seen so much snow. We had about 4 inches here. I am like a kid in a candy store when it snows. I was the first one awake on Thursday and just sat and stared outside. It is amazing that God can send something that slows everyone down a bit and reminds that he is still in control.

Hunter woke up and sat him down in front of the big window in the living room and he seriously must have sat still for about 10 minutes (a big accomplishment for a little boy always on the go!) and he just stared and stared outside. It was amazing just to watch him. We finally ventured outside in the afternoon after we had let it all (sleet, freezing rain) stop and Todd sat him down on the snow. Hunter just sat there like what is this stuff. I'll have to try and figure out how to put pictures on here. More to come but I'm at work now.

Friday, January 11, 2008


This is my first entry. I am excited to start blogging as I am addicted to my friends' blogs. I am getting ready to finish my day at school. Fridays are wild days!! More to come soon especially about my own little one.